Customs and Border Protection, Florida ● Line of Duty Death: May 2, 2020

Customs and Border Protection Officer Richard G. McCoy died on May 2, 2020 from complications as the result of contracting COVID-19 in the line of duty.
McCoy was born in Cedar Rapids, Iowa and traveled to several countries throughout his life such as Guyana, Israel, Turkey, Yugoslavia, Costa Rica, and Greece. As a child, McCoy loved adventure. He enjoyed riding his bicycle, finding old artifacts in Israel, swimming with piranhas in Costa Rica, and also showed interest in baseball, trains, planes, and reading.
McCoy served in the United States Navy for 10 years, and entered the United States Department of Immigration and Naturalization in 1997. After 9/11, McCoy’s title was adjusted to Customs and Border Protection Officer. McCoy had worked at various ports across the country, most recently assigned to the Fort Lauderdale/Port Everglades Port of Entry based out of Fort Lauderdale, Florida. McCoy loved being able to travel while simultaneously serving his country and helping others. McCoy was a dedicated officer who was always up for a challenge, and was eventually promoted to the role of supervisor for these great qualities.
McCoy loved his family, his job, and would always go out of his way for others. Customs and Border Protection Officer Richard G. McCoy is survived by his wife, Helen, and their daughter.