United States Army Specialist • Line of Duty Death: September 4, 2011

On September 4th, 2011 Army Specialist Christophe J. Marquis died from fatal injuries suffered while serving in the Kandahar province of Afghanistan during Operation Enduring Freedom.
Marquis was born and raised in Strasbourg, France, surrounded by family. As a child, Marquis had loads of energy and enjoyed playing sports, specifically soccer, enjoyed and excelled in school, particularly history. Marquis and his wife, Brittany, met in downtown Tampa. Brittany was a teller at a bank, and Marquis had stopped in to get change for the sports bar he owned. He continued to come to her line on a regular basis, stating that she was the only one who was able to easily understand his accent. He slipped her his personal number on the back of a business card, and the rest is history. Later, he moved to the United States permanently to be with her.
Marquis was born into a military family, his grandfather and uncle having served before him in the French Army. As a dual citizen, he was able to serve for both France and the United States. Marquis preceded his career with the United States Army with five years spent serving in the French Army. His decision to join the US Army was heavily influenced by the birth of his first child and wanting to provide his family with a better life. He had owned bars but wanted more stability than the restaurant industry could provide. Marquis served with the 1st Battalion, 5th Infantry Regiment, 1st Stryker Brigade Combat Team, 25th Infantry Division, in Fort Wainwright, Alaska. Marquis was a dedicated soldier, having learned Arabic to be better suited to help his company, and earned a Purple Heart. He served in the United States Army for just over a year and a half before suffering fatal injuries due to an improvised explosive device.
Currently, Brittany and their son live in the Tunnel to Towers Let Us Do Good Village, surrounded by other Gold Star families. She enjoys spending time with family, visiting water parks with her son, and introducing her son to her fishing hobby on the weekends. She and her son do everything together, including cooking, gardening, and working on their home. She is heavily involved in her community where she takes part in many charity events, such as making sandwiches for the homeless and providing prom dresses to high school girls. She takes great pride in the fact that her son has helped the community alongside her. Her current position is a Donor Services Coordinator at the largest eye bank in the nation. Though Marquis was just starting his new life when he passed, he never took his family for granted and would be incredibly proud of the progress that Brittany has made, and the way she has raised their son in his absence.
Army Specialist Christophe J. Marquis is survived by his wife, Brittany Jackson-Marquis, and their son, Christopher S. Marquis.
The Tunnel to Towers Foundation has provided the Marquis family with a mortgage-free home through the Gold Star Family Home Program.