The Stephen Siller Tunnel to Towers Foundation held its inaugural Footsteps to the Future Endowment Gala on April 20, 2017 at One World Observatory at One World Trade Center in New York City. The support of our generous individual and corporate benefactors made the evening a tremendous success.

The event’s honorees, Howard Brodsky (Co-Founder, Chairman, and Chief Executive Officer of CCA Global Partners), Jeffrey S. Lorberbaum (Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Georgia-based Mohawk Industries, Inc.,), and Peter Dunn (President, CBS Television Stations), are gentlemen who personify philanthropy. We paid homage to these visionaries and their respective organizations for their remarkable effort in helping us increase our ability to serve more individuals in need.

Helping others in their time of need is a time honored tradition of the American people.

Whether they’re families of fallen first responders, catastrophically injured service members, or even victims of natural disasters, the Stephen Siller Tunnel to Towers Foundation is the first to answer the call.

Growing our endowment fund ensures the Foundation’s long-term stability and financial viability. Please join us on our journey and help us forge these footsteps to the future.

Jeff Lorberbaum
Chairman & CEO, Mohawk Industries
Howard Brodsky
Co-Founder, Chairman & Co-CEO CCA Global Partners
Peter Dunn
President of CBS Television Stations

For more information please email: T2TGala@t2t.org

