U.S. Customs & Border Patrol, California • Line of Duty Death: July 23, 2009

On July 23, 2009, Border Patrol Agent Robert Wimer Rosas Jr. was ambushed and shot by a group of five men while on patrol near Campo, California. Rosas was just thirty years old and was on tour for three years.
Rosas began his outstanding career with the United States Border Patrol in 2006. He joined as a member of the 621st session of the Border Patrol Academy. After his graduation, he was assigned to the Campo Station in the San Diego Sector.
In addition to his illustrious career, Rosas was an affectionate husband, and a loving father to his son and daughter. Rosas was a noble and passionate man who always had a bright smile on his face.
Border Patrol Agent Rosas is survived by his wife, Rosalie, 2-year-old son, Robert, and 11-month-old daughter, Kayla.