Sumter County Sheriff’s Office, SC
Line of Duty Death: February 25, 2020

Corporal Andrew Gillette was shot and killed in the line of duty while trying to serve a detention order and eviction notice in Sumter County, South Carolina.
Gillette, 37, came from a long line of law enforcement officers in his family.
He was a seven-year veteran of the Sumter County Sheriff’s Office, and had previously served twelve years in the United States Air Force, during which time he was stationed at Shaw Air Force Base.
Corporal Gillette leaves behind his wife, Marie, and their son, JohnCurtis.
“The Fallen First Responder Home Program is ensuring that I will be able to keep the home that Andrew worked so hard to provide for us. It also lessens the burden as JohnCurtis and I begin the journey to rebuild our lives without him,” said Marie Gillette.
The Tunnel to Towers Foundation is committed to paying off the mortgage on the Gillette family’s home.
To help more families like the Gillettes, please consider an $11/mo. pledge today.