A Decorated Military Veteran and His Family Became Homeless   

Tunnel to Towers and its supporters stepped in to help.

May, 2023 – Meet Travis Talley, a brave and decorated U.S. Army veteran who served our country with distinction. Just 33 years old, Travis has already accomplished so much – including receiving prestigious medals like the Army Commendation, Global War on Terrorism, National Defense, Iraq Campaign, and more. But despite his achievements, Travis and his family found themselves facing a difficult and heartbreaking situation during the 2022 holiday season.

Their previous apartment was plagued with ongoing flooding issues that caused mold and made it impossible to live there any longer. Despite their efforts to get the landlord to fix the issue, they were left with no choice but to move out and live in local hotel rooms. To make matters worse, Travis had to leave the state to attend to urgent family matters, leaving him unable to work and adding to his family’s financial strain.

That’s when Travis reached out to Tunnel to Towers for help. With the support of the Foundation’s compassionate supporters, the Talley family was able to secure a permanent home earlier this spring. They are now rebuilding their lives and working to provide a safer, more stable living environment for their children.

Travis and his family are incredibly grateful for the help they received from Tunnel to Towers – and for the help of our supporters who made this all possible.


About the Tunnel to Towers Foundation

The Tunnel to Towers Foundation is dedicated to honoring the sacrifice of FDNY Firefighter Stephen Siller, who laid down his life to save others on September 11, 2001. For more than 20 years, the Foundation has supported our nation’s first responders, veterans, and their families by providing these heroes and the families they leave behind with mortgage-free homes. For more about the Tunnel to Towers Foundation and its commitment to DO GOOD, please visit T2T.org.

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